Sr.No.37, Manjari Farm, Pune-Solapur Road, Pune

9am to 6pm

Hurry Up! Admission Registration Started for 2025-26 - • Aircraft Maintenance Engineering • B.Sc. Aviation. Our Practical Training Partner - •INDIGO, •AAR INDAMER, •AIR INDIA,•AIESL, •INDAMER AVIATION PVT. STAR AIR.Manah Aerospace and Engineering Pvt Ltd.Hurry Up! Admission Registration Started for 2025 • Aircraft Maintenance Engineering • B.Sc. Aviation. Our Practical Training Partner - •INDIGO, •AAR INDAMER, •AIR INDIA,•AIESL, •INDAMER AVIATION PVT. LTD., •GMR, •Star Air

Computer Based Training

Computer Based Training

The institute has Arrangement of E-Library with the facility of latest & advanced software to conduct assessment & other test on online basisto uplift the student skills according to market & is time saving too & future moreby which student can access their books, notes & utility it in appropriate manner.

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